Friday, October 24, 2008

Red Again!!!!!!!

Getting the red in my hair again was quite an ordeal! It all started on Tuesday. I went, all excited, to get it done ... but, the stupid 'process' didn't work. We decided to use 1 product that worked (supposedly) in 2 ways - both bleaching and depositing color ... hmmm Not so much on my hair!

In any event - I couldn't get back to it til today! Luckily, my hair didn't look BAD on Tuesday - just not what I wanted! I wanted a vibrant RED and I wanted a LOT of boldness!

I *L*O*V*E* it! I mean, really LOVE it!!!! It's very bold (I'm so hoping that I don't get in trouble at work --- I work in a pretty conservative insurance company). I don't think that I'll get in trouble... My boss asked why I didn't go pink last time (which, I'd love to do, actually). Not so sure what all the family is going to think ... but, hey, it's just hair! Right?!?!?

Here are a few more pictures........ Don't really look at the 'style' ... I got caught in the rain after getting the color done today!

Now, while I love the color - we were way messy with the application! Hmph... now I just have to try to 'clean up' the color that is where it shouldn't be.... Thoughts? E-mail me/comment me or whatever if you have some ideas!!

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