Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Receipts, galore - tamed now! And, Success at last!

Okay - I admit it, my purse often looks as though it is a dumping ground for any and everything made of paper. In particular, it seems that receipts take over my purse. Then, with all of the paper in there - it takes forever to find the items that I actually need. So ....

I decided to make a little pouch, specifically to hold my receipts in my purse. This is the result - please don't mind the TERRIBLE picture - I took it with my cell phone and I know that it is BAD, BAD, BAD! But, my camera is AWOL at the moment!

In other news - my girls are taking swim lessons this week (they were in lessons last week, as well). They are, for the first year ever, doing GREAT. What I mean by that is that it is normally a huge ordeal to get them to do it - let alone enjoy it. They have been, up until now, so afraid of the water. My husband, his Mother and his Sister do not swim - and, they have transferred some of their fears onto my children. I do swim and I wanted my kids to be able to swim - so, this is their third year of lessons. And, believe it or not - this is the start of our successes!!! They both learned to swim, although they were quite afraid still, their first year. But, this year they have not only gained the confidence and 'belief' that they can swim, but they have also developed a love for the water!! I'm so very excited for them!! Finally! They will be able to enjoy the water and not be afraid. And, I will no longer be the mean mommy that made them 'practice' their swimming - but, rather, the nice mommy that 'let's' them play in the pool!!! Success, indeed!

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