Sunday, September 02, 2007

I have finally tried my hand at freezer paper stencils...

and, I am in LOVE with the process. It is possible that I might stencil everything in site, given the chance! It was super easy and goes SOOO fast. I'm sure that it depends very much on the particular design that you use. This skull was super easy and, oh so cute! My girls now are having a love affair with skulls and cross bones - I think that it is because they are in love with Pirates Of The Carribean (can't blame them there - I love those movies too!).

This one is for etsy, but Sarah has already requested one with a pink skull - so, I have to go get some more fabric paint and resist the urge to stencil everything in sight! Here is a picture showing the detail, though unfortunately - not the true color of the fabric paint - which is a gorgeous metallic aqua.

I can't wait to try my next project! What should it be..... stay tuned!

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